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Have you been subjected to sexual violence?

When an incident or a series of incidents makes you question whether what you have faced is violence, the Five Rs can help you determine where you stand.

  • Recall, in as much detail as possible, exactly what transpired.

  • Record, in a journal or a document, the details in a linear manner. 

  • Reach out to a trusted person and discuss the incident or incidents with them.

  • Resolve how the incident or incidents made you feel, how it impacted you, and how it continues to impact you. 

  • Reconcile with the fact that you faced violence – or did not – based on the evidence from the first four Rs.


Acknowledging what happened is often a first step towards healing, and can feel like a significant or difficult step. Remember: 


  • There is no pressure to press charges, to name the perpetrator, or to go public with your story. The decision to do any or all of these is solely yours.

  • If you decide to report in any manner, there is no pressure to reveal your name or identity.

  • Take all the advice you need and decide on a plan that you think will work for you – no one should force you to decide one way or another, nor should they impose their views on you, no matter how good.

  • Labels and judgements, if any, are yours to adopt, to respond to, or to reject. You are more than what happened to you. 

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